Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is SOFA Project a charity?
SOFA Project is a registered charity (287088) and Company Limited by Guarantee (01697726).
We are a 'social enterprise' because we generate at least 50% of our income from trading and reinvest any surplus (profit) into our charitable purpose.
2. What can I donate?
We accept: homewares, sofas, armchairs, chairs, tables, wardrobes, drawers, book cases, display cabinets, desks, as well as washing machines and electric cookers. Everything must be in good condition and appliances must be working and less than 10 years old. We do NOT accept: small electrical items (such as toasters, microwaves, kettles, hoovers), clothes, shoes, refrigeration, mattresses, gas cookers.
3. Can I bring items I want to donate to you?
You can drop donated items at all three of our stores. Please note that at Gloucester Road, we can only accept smaller items of furniture.
4. I've arranged a collection for my donated furniture. Will your driver take everything?
We discuss the criteria for acceptable donations when you call to book a time slot. Our drivers have the final say because they can see the condition of your item in person. If our driver feels that the items are not in an acceptable condition they will explain why they cannot take it.
5. What if my item for donation is already dismantled?
Due to the risk of losing small components and need to display items in our shops soon after they've been donate we're not able to take items that have been dismantled.
6. Are there charges for collecting my donated items?
All household collections are free. Please see our Donate page for more details of how to check suitability and arrange a time.
7. What if I'm not able to be at home on the date of collection?
We can only make collections if there is someone present at home. Please do not leave items in your front garden or on the pavement for collection in your absence. If you can't be at home, please call the office 0117 954 7800 or email info@sofaproject.org.uk to let us know as soon as possible and to rearrange a time that is more convenient.
8. Why can't you give me a specific time for collection or delivery?
We cover a large geographical area, have many bookings each day and traffic volumes can vary. This means that we can't give a specific time for your collection/delivery unfortunately as we are not able to say where our driver will be at a specific time of each day. We can guarantee delivery between 08.30 and 15.30 and we'll call you when the driver is on their way - approximately 30 minutes before delivery.
9. Where can I go to buy items?
You can buy affordable furniture and paint in our three shops: West Street, Days Lane, and Gloucester Road.
You can also buy electrical appliances at West Street and Days Lane. Please see our Shop page for more information.
11. What payment options are available in SOFA Project shops?
We welcome payment by debit cards, credit cards or cash. We will also accept vouchers from other charities.
We do not accept cheques.
12. What are your opening hours?
SOFA Project Office (to discuss collections/delivery): Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
West Street (Old Market) store: Monday 9.30am-5pm, Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm (Please note that this store closes for lunch 1pm-2pm daily)
Gloucester Road store: Monday-Saturday 9.30am-5.30pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Days Lane warehouse store: Monday to Friday 9am-3pm
13. Are there charges for delivering items I buy in store?
The table below has details of our delivery charges by Bristol postcode.